Back2Balance Massage Therapy
Welcome to Back 2 Balance Massage Therapy, providing quality massage and reflexolgy services to benefit YOUR overall wellness!

Body Contouring

Massage Cupping is used very effectively as an adjunct to weight loss for body contouring. Massage cupping is applied systematically over the entire body to break up any adhered tissue (muscle/fascia/fat/skin) and encourage lymph flow toward lymph nodes. Specific essential oil blends are applied and fully abosorbed as the client is wrapped in warm blankets. Ideally a client receives two sessions per week for four weeks.

A gracious friend allowed me to show her experience:

We began Thursday, March 20 by taking pictures and measuring her arm, thigh, waist, hip and chest. She kept a journal of her weight and how she felt after each session as well. We held sessions on Mondays and Thursdays, measuring each Thursday with a final measurement Thursday, April 17, three days after her final treatment.


Before                                                           After

Chest: lost 2.75"  Waist: lost 1.5"  Hips: lost 2"  Arms: lost .5"  Thighs: lost .75"

Other things she noticed:

Skin feels much softer. Jeans fit better. Bowel movements easier. Less bloating during cycle.


She has been committed to DIET AND EXERCISE for over a year, and has lost more than 50 pounds. During the Massage Cupping Series she lost 6.6 pounds.



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