Back2Balance Massage Therapy
Welcome to Back 2 Balance Massage Therapy, providing quality massage and reflexolgy services to benefit YOUR overall wellness!

Massage Cupping


This therapy drains excess fluids and toxins, loosens adhesions and lifts connection tissue, and brings blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin.

Massage Cupping Bodywork is fun and result-oriented…and the treatment FEELS GREAT!

Benefits include loosening of fascia, improved appearance of "dimpled" skin, better lymph flow, increased circulation, increased absorption of topical linaments or essential oils, profound relaxation, and more!

Massage Cupping is a great way to prepare soft tissue for a therapeutic massage by releasing layers of fascia, skin, muscle, etc. so the therapist can better access problem areas with less discomfort.

Massage Cupping "Cocooning" can be helpful for body contouring as an adjunct to weight loss, smoking cessation or just deep relaxation. Massage Cupping Therapy is done systematically over the whole body in conjunction with specific essential oil blends as the body is gently wrapped in warm blankets.

Massage Cupping can also be used gently on the face for "lifting and drainage" to relax facial muscles and lightly drain excess fluids.


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